Friday, January 21, 2011

Reflection and Looking Forward to COM 125

I honestly never thought that there will be a day when I have to come back to academic blogging. The very first time I did blog postings for academic purposes, it was for COM 101 Introduction to Communication and although it was a hassle, the experience was remarkably enjoyable (as you can probably see from the previous posts). Then when I took COM 337 Communication Theory, I utilized this blog once again and it was honestly tragic work so I removed all the posts. Communication Theory, as the name suggests, was far too theory-based for my liking.

This is honestly what Comm Theory blogging felt like

I don't exactly hate academic blogging but I abhor the stringent requirement of tailoring my content (and sometimes my thoughts) to the given course syllabus. However, since COM 125 is all about the Internet, I hope it will be an experience as enriching as COM 101. There is just so much to talk about the Internet from the technical aspect to the social aspect. Since I'm not much of an IT-person, I shall be avoiding the technical aspect a little and allow my other course mates to do the honours instead. I'm pretty glad COM 125 is not going to be another disastrous ride for my like CSE 111 (sorry sir, but I don't wanna lie about loving all that techie stuff).

Surprisingly, I adore Foxtrot comics even though it is mostly about geeky IT/Physics stuff

Ok so here's what I'll be blogging about for the entire term starting form this week. I'll write a blog post in accordance to the course syllabus, which I have found to be less daunting than both COM 101 and COM 337. And since this is all about the Internet, I will also post some aspects of the Internet that I find intriguing. I will also introduce some of my favourite blogs and webpages so the line between academic and personal blogging becomes a little burred. I think it'll be more fun for people popping by, since it is hardly the most fascinating thing if all of us blog about the same old stuff that we hear from the same lecture. Well then, see you!