Sunday, September 14, 2008

When Obsession Overflows

NBC News Channel
Wednesday, September 10 2008
MSN Online Video
HIGH HEELS FOR _______ (read on to find out)
Speaking from my personal perspective first, no matter how insane my obsession about a particular subject or object is, there is a limit to it and it will gradually deflate even if it may not totally be out of my system. However 2 women proved to me that one's obsession can push the boundaries so far that "insane" is no longer a word that can sufficiently describe them.
2 well-heeled women from Los Angeles, Britta Bacon Hayden Porter, founded the very first company that sells pointy heels. I know, I know. It is not uncommon for women to form establishments that cater to the their own loves. Yet, how many women will love heels enough to actually create a pair for their infants? Yes. Let us welcome the most amazing innovation of the year, drum-roll please, the "Pointy-Heels For Infants"!
(Credits to MSN Video and NBC News Channel)
I was so elated when I read this piece of news that I almost wet my pants with excitement! I have always wanted to buy pairs after pairs of heels for my new-born baby and subject her to hours and hours of agonizing, feet squashing torture! (dripping major sarcasm)
It is only human nature to use schemata to form impressions of other people, forming Person Prototypes, idealized representations of a certain kind of person. From their obsession with heels, I would initially group them under the Fashionista-Who-Chooses-Beauty-Over-Health category. However, after reading about their latest fetish of not just wearing heels to torment their feet but inflict this form of abuse on their babies as well, I am at a loss as to how else to categorise them.
The Personal Constructs (characteristics noticed on a daily basis about others) observable from these 2 women is that they are exceedingly creative and dreadfully demented. Albeit the infant-heels may not exactly crucify the babies' feet like their adult counterparts, the thought of them wanting to make their babies wear heels and actually getting down to do it, scares me. However I know of plenty of people who beg to differ from my opinion and think of these heels as the coolest kids in town. Those shoes have been flying off the racks ever since the first one was sold 14 weeks ago and it may not be long before the phenomenon hits our shores (and possibly overwhelm the fashion scene here). Maybe the idea is not as insane as it seems, I am just too narrow-minded.
I love my heels but I love my walking ability more. A note to girls who wear heels on a regular basis - visit a pediatric orthopaedist because you will need all the help you can get in future to ensure that you do not lose your mobility to your love for heels.
How about you? What do you think of them and their invention?
Feel free to comment! =D


Unknown said...

well, pretty much anything that is even remotely useful has been invented and thus people have to resort to this.

in my opinion, it is all about the money for these 2 women no matter what they say. in this world that we live in, it is all about the fads and rather unfortunately, there are hordes of people that follow them blindly. and yes, they will even subject their kids to this kind of torture although they can't really voice out their disagreement.

at least crocs are comfortable. (:

Unknown said...

No matter how many times we're warned, we always judge a book by its cover. We cannot help it, its human nature. In this scenario, since we are unable to "open the book" and get to know the person on a 1-on-1 basis, their career choice serves as a platform which we judge them on. And truly, I have never know women to be that insane with heels until I read your blog.

†Wi|~ said...

I have always been amused by how girls can trottle around in sky high heels without falling flat on their faces. Now, I am once again surprised no less by women coming up with heels for their babies. Looks like we need to create a new person prototype for them... HAHA

saufiii said...

i think what those women did is inappropriate and potentially harmful to the kids.heels are even potentially harmful to adults!
this 'invention' is just redundant and is only meant for superficial parents.
this is just retarded.
they are jus trying their luck in entreprenuership.

Cosine said...

Lucas, but crocs are ugly!!! I won't be caught dead in them!!!

I used to be really silly and compromise comfort with style since I was in Secondary School. However after I started having terrible backaches from those 5-inches heels and kayaking, I started to realise that if I do not stop wearing them soon enough, I may lose my ability to walk in future. Now, I know better. Nothing beats mobility.

I'd choose a pair of flip flops over heels any day! Unless I'm going for a formal function.

Anonymous said...

Although i am not into heels, i have to say that the concept behind it is quite intruging. Don't get me wrong, I am not supporting the idea of children wearing heels at a tender age but I do think that those 2 women have very strong entreprenuer spirit and we should encourage their effort instead of just mocking their invention.

Anonymous said...

The message sent across is unhealthy as it is portraying children to be the latest fashion victims. It highlights superficiality in the human race!

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely absurd! Heels for toddlers? Those mothers are insane! I know they think its is pretty and all that but come on, those are little children and should not be robbed of their innocence to be strutting around in heels, even if they are not like the adult version.

Kenneth said...

Holy Crap! Heels for babies! Sad.... now.. your article... was good. You identified things in the article and put words like Prototype in the correct places. I'd think this is an excellent insight to an appalling article.
Keep going!