Sunday, April 3, 2011

Internet Security, I Need You

The topic of my group project focuses on some aspects of online hacking by highlighting the flaws that are mostly avoidable. Therefore, the lectures on security on the Internet were quite important to us and I took quite a lot of notes, especially those stuff concerning worms and viruses. I'm not very tech-savvy because most of the problems that I encounter with my computers (be it my desktop or laptops) are all settled by my techie brother. Therefore, it is an understatement to say that I know nuts about protecting my computers against the vulnerabilities that the Internet (or rather, the hackers) presents. However, I try to be as careful as I am because I am very scared that I will lose all my fortune due to my carelessness. For instance, before I registered for an online banking account, I double-checked multiple times to confirm that the security of online banking services provided by DBS is really reliable and secured. Basically, what my brother told me was that the double-password system of entering the PIN and then the number on the IB token makes the procedure extremely secure. Although I still do not entirely understand the technicality behind this double-password thing, I hope that it is indeed secure or I will be in deep trouble.

Credits to my favourite cartoonist: Bill Amend

One of the funniest things I heard in lecture was about how some people would reply scam emails to scold them. It is not advisable to do so because the sender will probably know that the email account is active and the spam mails will not stop. The most ridiculous thing is that I am one of those people who will reply and tell the senders off. HAHAHA. I have been receiving some scam mails from an organization that claims themselves to be the Canadian Trust. I ignored them initially but I got irritated after the repeated flooding of my mail box and told them to try some better tactics because their scam was such a loser thing since I do not even own a account with said organization. I didn't know that I could filter out unwanted mails at that time so you probably will think that I am the stupidest thing ever alive who can use the computer. I don't blame you for that. I think so too. HAHAHA

Screenshot of the scam mail

Anyways, I subscribe to this channel called 'Howcast' on Youtube and they are a bunch of people who come up with reallygreat and sometimes ridiculous videos. They have videos like 'How To Fold A T-Shirt' and 'How To Break Up With Someone on Valentine's Day'. This video that I am going to share is a little old but I do think that some parts of it are very much relevant, like that password component. It is on 'How To Protect Your Computer From Snoops'.

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