Sunday, April 3, 2011

Politics & Internet

I think we've seen quite a lot of how the Internet helped various political groups and candidates reach out to the cyber community. I was exceptionally impressed with Obama when I saw his speeches online because they were tremendously inspiring. The change that he advocated and promised was truly alluring and the fact that a non-White could progress so far into the elections made me in awe of his capabilities. With Barack Obama, the results are definitely encouraging and so far, with the exception of the Saturday Night Live TV programme video, what we have seen in the lecture are mainly positive effects of the Internet on politics. There are actually a lot of cat-fights and with the upcoming General Elections in Singapore, our little world is also being messed up with all the 'scandals' published online. There is a particular website, The Temasek Review, is a little like the Taiwanese tabloids. Sometimes, they have excellent pieces but most of the time, they just churn out gossips and stuff like that. They poke fun at the major political party, PAP, most of the time. Although their literary skills are not as compelling as the speech written by Obama's office, I do gain quite a substantial amount of information (or misinformation) from them.

I have never been very interested in Singapore's political arena because I think it is just stifling and all based on propaganda. When I was a relief teacher in a Primary School, it made me realise how the government is trying so hard to brainwash kids nowadays. Most of the Civic and Moral topics are on Nationalism, which is both a good and bad thing, depending on what perspective you look at it. Good because it makes the students understand how fortunate they are to be born in Singapore. We have one of the highest literacy rates in the world and most of us know at least two languages. I am grateful that I received elementary and secondary education locally because it gave me an opportunity to master both English and Chinese fluently. However, when I moved on to JC and looked at the differences between our freedom in speech as compared to other countries, I felt disheartened. Anyways, here is the link to a note that one of my friends from JC wrote. Although a little biased against PAP, the facts are irrefutable. He is an excellent writer since the first day I've met him and he actually convinced me to not vote for PAP. HAHA

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